At risk of being dropped from classes, I urgently need a scholarship

Hi, I’m a sophomore studying biomedical engineering and I’m currently at risk of being dropped from my classes due to an unpaid balance of around $5,000. I’ve applied for scholarships both at my school and outside of it but haven’t received any responses.

Do you know of any scholarships I could apply for?

Additionally, I applied for a loan but was not approved. I’m a first-generation Black female from a single-parent household, and I have a twin sister who is already in college. Despite explaining my situation to financial aid and visiting them multiple times, they’ve said there’s nothing more they can do. I urgently need assistance. If anyone can help, please let me know.

Check out sorority chapters in your area, such as AKA, Delta, Zeta, or SGRho.

AKA has the AKA Educational Fund, which offers grants and funds that are always available and rolling. You can find more information at or

Do you attend a PWI or an HBCU? The UNCF offers numerous scholarships, so check if your school has an emergency fund available.

If you’re involved in research, explore research programs at your school, such as Howard Hughes, MBRS RISE, or MARU U STAR.

Contact the local NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) or other organizations for Black engineers and women engineers to see if they offer scholarships, including alumni chapters.

If you’re interested in medical school or research after graduation, consider the NIH undergraduate scholarship program. They cover your tuition each year, but you’re required to work for them for a year in return. It could be a beneficial option for you.

Email the Dean of Students as soon as possible! They often have leftover funds that might be able to assist you.

Thank you! I plan to email some alumni, the Dean of Students, and the dean at my school. I’m also working on finding the financial aid office’s email addresses. Do you have any recommendations on how to format the email?