**Boren Application Language Question/Advice**

I’m planning to apply for the Boren and CLS scholarships this year, but I’m conflicted about which language to choose. I’ve been studying Chinese for about two years and have reached an advanced level in college. I also recently returned from a study abroad program in Taiwan, where I gained valuable experience studying Chinese. However, I’m also interested in starting Japanese, and if I begin now, I could mention in my application that I’ve been studying it for a few months and plan to continue.

Which language should I choose? I love Chinese and would love to study in Taiwan again, but I’m also intrigued by Japanese. I have this notion that learning a second foreign language might be more advantageous than sticking with Chinese, even though I know that if accepted with Chinese, I’d likely be fluent by the end of my year abroad. It’s just a mental block I’m currently dealing with. I can’t ask the scholarship coordinator for advice until I meet with them in a few months, so any input would be greatly appreciated!

I’m not sure about Boren, but for CLS, you need to have completed two years of formal study in Japanese to be eligible. However, you could definitely apply for the Chinese CLS program, which is available for the summer.

Got it, thanks for the info.

They’re not particularly concerned with your personal interests. What matters to them is how receiving this funding and time will benefit your career and align with their goals.

The best choice for you will depend on your personal goals, interests, and the specific requirements of the scholarships you’re applying for.

If you’re still uncertain, you might consider applying for both scholarships to see which one you’re accepted into. This way, you could potentially pursue both languages in the future.

Good luck with your applications!

Thanks for the info.