Do I have a realistic chance of getting my college tuition covered through scholarships?

Hi! I’m about to enter my senior year of high school, and the stress of paying for college is starting to weigh on me. The universities I’m interested in have tuition costs around $25k or more, but coming from a low-income household (about $35k), paying for college out of pocket isn’t an option. I’ve been researching scholarships, but I’m beginning to doubt whether I’ll be able to secure enough to cover my tuition.

I’m planning to major in environmental science. My current SAT score is 1350 (I’ve taken it twice and plan to take it again in August). I believe my GPA is around 4.7, though I need to double-check since I’m homeschooled. I also have an unweighted GPA of 3.75 at the community college where I take classes, and I’m hoping that will improve after this semester. I’m a Life Scout working toward Eagle Scout and hold a leadership position in my county’s youth council, with over 60 recorded service hours. I’m highly active in my community’s music scene, playing multiple instruments, and I’m passionate about backpacking and fishing. However, I’m unsure if scholarship committees care about these personal interests.

I live in a larger rural community, and while I am transgender, I am legally recognized as a white male.

I’m worried that I might not be a competitive applicant and could struggle to afford college. Do I have a chance at securing enough scholarships, and what recommendations do you have? Thank you for any insight! <3