I got a scholarship check from a church? How does that happen?

I checked my school email and saw a receipt for a $375 check from a local Methodist church. This is weird because I don’t go to church and I’m not Christian.

Usually, I get a $375 check every semester from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation toward my tuition, so at first, I thought it was that. I was also worried it might be a scam, but I checked my college account and saw the transaction is listed there officially.

The odd part is that all my past $375 checks have been listed under the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, but this one is labeled as coming from the church. Are they connected in some way?

It could be a mistake in how the organization was entered. Maybe someone handling multiple awards entered the wrong name. You might want to call the financial aid office to clarify.

You don’t have to be Christian or part of an organization to receive aid from them. It’s possible the church sent a large donation to the college to help students with tuition, and the school distributed it. Churches sometimes do this for attendees, but it’s not a rule that the funds have to go to members only.

I’m not saying this is definitely what happened, but it’s one possible explanation.