Is access scholarships a legitimate site?

Hey! So, my buddy sent me a message on Instagram saying I won something from Access Scholarships. Seems kinda legit, but there’s this weird vibe to it. They told me to click a link and send a screenshot of my work. Then, it took me to this profile thing on, asking for my card details, just a buck for a trial. I have this old gift card with a bit left on it. Should I risk it or smells like a scam to you?


Hey there,
Access Scholarships is a platform that offers scholarships to students. However, it’s essential to exercise caution when dealing with scholarship opportunities online.
Here are some guidelines to help you determine the legitimacy of scholarship sites:

  • Verification: Check if the scholarship is registered with government entities or educational institutions. Legitimate scholarships often have approvals or certifications that can provide peace of mind during the application process.
  • Application Process: Legitimate scholarships should be something you applied for directly. Be wary if a scholarship unexpectedly contacts you through social media platforms like Instagram. Legitimate scholarship notifications usually come via email services, not Instagram direct messages.
  • No Payment Required: Never pay for scholarships. Legitimate scholarship organizations won’t ask for any form of payment upfront. If a scholarship site requests payment or redirects you to a third-party website, it’s likely a scam.

Remember to stay vigilant and research any scholarship opportunity thoroughly before sharing personal information or taking any further steps.


Hi guys, I have been keen reading guidelines fron this forum, am Impressed.
As a recipient of an Access Scholarship, I can attest to its legitimacy.

The process was transparent, and the scholarship has greatly assisted me in pursuing my academic goals.

The funds provided by Access Scholarships helped cover tuition and other educational expenses, allowing me to focus on my studies without the stress of financial constraints.

The application process was straightforward, and the organization’s commitment to helping students with limited resources is commendable.

I found their support and guidance throughout the application to be invaluable.

Winning this scholarship has been a significant milestone in my educational journey, and I encourage other students to apply and take advantage of this opportunity


Definitely a fraud! It is not necessary to purchase a scholarship; instead, you must apply for scholarships on your own.

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Access Scholarships is a great resource for students in high school and college looking for scholarships to apply for. They post so much advice and tips on how to get approved for scholarships, they’re very helpful.

Thank you all for your responses! All keep away from them as suggested by you all. Cheers!