Need Advice on Taking a Semester Off or Gap Year Before Starting at Parsons School of Design

Hello everyone…

I’m planning to attend Parsons School of Design for Strategic Design and Management and am thrilled about it. I’ve received $70k in financial aid and scholarships, which means I’d only need to pay about $19k a year. I’m also working on applying for more scholarships and considering work-study to avoid taking out loans.

However, I’m currently facing some challenges with my physical and mental health. I might need surgery in the next month and am struggling with deciding whether to take a semester off or possibly a gap year for this school year.

I’m deeply passionate about fashion and design and dream of living in NYC for the opportunities it offers, plus I have aspirations of modeling. But right now, I feel stuck and a bit lost in figuring out whether I should start at Parsons this year or next. :thinking:

Hello students,
It’s up to you to decide in the end. An answer is never right or wrong. Carefully consider your options and select the one that best fits your objectives and desires.

I completely understand your situation—balancing health issues with major life decisions is tough. When I was faced with a similar choice, I had to weigh my passion against my well-being. In the end, I chose to take a break to address my health concerns, and it turned out to be the right decision. It gave me time to recover properly and return to my goals with renewed focus. I’d suggest discussing your options with a counselor or advisor at Parsons and considering what will allow you to start your journey on the best foot. Health should always come first, and a delay might end up being beneficial in the long run, both for your studies and personal well-being.