Scholarships for adult learners

Howdy everyone! Sorry if this has been asked before. My boyfriend (he’s 25) is going back to college as a newbie. He tried once in 2017 but didn’t make it through. Now, he’s trying for financial help with a Pell grant. But those are tough to get, so I’m looking for scholarships he might get. Since he’s not fresh outta high school, I’m not sure what’s out there for him. Any tips would be awesome!

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That is thoughtful of him.
He should not be discouraged because there are different scholarships that cover adult learners. The scholarships include:

  • Ford Opportunity Program Scholarship: Aimed at parents or students 25 years or older pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree
  • Executive Women International ASIST Scholarship: For adults in transition, whether it’s physical, social, or economic, pursuing a certification or degree.
  • Return2College Scholarship
  • BigFuture Scholarship by The College Board
    And many more.
    Let your boyfriend join college and himself because the above scholarships got him covered.
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She said that she is looking for options for her boyfriend. I do not see the reason why you should recommend Executive Women International Asist Scholarship. It clearly indicates that it is for women

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  1. Ford Opportunity Program Scholarship:
    Targeted toward parents of any age or students aged 25 and older.
    Must be pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.
    Expected family contribution (EFC) should not exceed $10,000.
    Covers 90% of the cost of attendance.
    Available for residents and students in Oregon and Siskiyou County, California.

  2. Executive Women International Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST):
    Awarded to adult students going through a transition period in their lives (physical, social, or economic).
    Applicants must be pursuing a certification program or an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree.

  3. Return2College Scholarship:
    Open to anyone over the age of 17 planning to enroll in the upcoming school year.
    Qualify for the $1,000 Return2College award.

  4. Boomer Benefits Scholarship:
    Provides financial assistance to adult learners.
    Specific eligibility criteria may vary, so check the details.

  5. Custody X Change Single Parent Scholarship:
    Designed for single parents returning to school.
    Awards vary based on individual circumstances.

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