Seeking Info on UNCF Scholarships

Hey everyone,

I’ve been researching scholarships and came across UNCF (United Negro College Fund) scholarships. Has anyone applied for these before? What’s the application process like, and are there specific criteria they look for? Any tips or personal experiences would be really helpful!

Thanks in advance!

i’m in the same boat as you - still waiting. uncf officially released the winners around july 12th last year so i’m hoping it’s any day now :confused:

Scholarship Application Tips
Meet all application deadlines. Use a calendar or planner, make a schedule, and stick to it.
Gather application materials early.
Don’t ignore small awards.
Request letters of recommendation early.
Write a great essay.
Attend a scholarship workshop.

I psyched myself up to go for it, only to learn that it’s only for those already registered, and are currently in college. If you’re already in Uni/college, don’t miss out on this. All the best fellas!

Hey there! UNCF scholarships are a great option, and I actually looked into them myself a while back. Here’s what I found:

UNCF is a legit organization with a long history of helping minority students. They’ve awarded scholarships to tons of students attending college across the country, especially Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).