Should we start a thread to track scholarship scams?

Hey everyone!

I’ve been lurking for a long time, but now that I’m heading to grad school, I’m back in the scholarship hunt. A lot of the scholarships I’ve found through Google or search engines are scams—they’re either just collecting emails and data to sell, require money to apply, or haven’t been updated in years.

I recently came across the same scholarship on two different platforms with identical links but different ad wording. That made me realize I should’ve been keeping track of these scams from the start.

Should we create a thread here to report the biggest scams and misleading scholarships? It could help others avoid them.

I’ve had the most trouble with ‘recommended for you’ scholarships on Scholly lately. Not sure why it’s gotten so bad.

Are sites like Niche, Going Merry, and legit? They seem popular, but I don’t trust them.

Ellis said:
Are sites like Niche, Going Merry, and legit? They seem popular, but I don’t trust them.

They do have real scholarships listed, but there’s little to no vetting. I’ve seen plenty of fake scholarships on Niche and

The CamperVan Scholarship is fake.

GetupGetActive Scholarships are a scam too.

I’ve had a ScholarTree account since high school, and I still get ‘new scholarship picks just for you’ emails. I haven’t applied to any of them, and it feels pointless. A thread to sort out scams from legit scholarships would be really helpful.

No one seems to have heard back from the Henry Vinson Scholarship, so that one is probably a scam.

Zev said:
No one seems to have heard back from the Henry Vinson Scholarship, so that one is probably a scam.

A lot of new scholarships on forums feel like scams. It’s so easy to make a website that looks legitimate, but it doesn’t mean it’s real.