Single moms scholarships

My big sister, who is a mom to my niece and nephew, wants to go back to school to learn about Applied Psychology and later about Social Work. I’m the first person in our family to get a degree, so I know some stuff about helping her get money for school (she grew up in foster care), talk to someone at school about her classes, apply for free money, and make sure she can afford to go to school.

Since she’s the main person taking care of our family and raising my niece and nephew by herself, I know about some scholarships in our state. But I really want to help her a lot and make sure she feels like she has support and can do well.

So, does anyone know of any scholarships that help single parents or single moms get a degree? Any advice would be great.

It’s great that you’re helping your sister as she plans to return to school! Here are simpler ways to help her find financial support and scholarships for single mothers:

1. Federal and State Aid

  • FAFSA: Make sure she fills out the FAFSA to qualify for federal grants, loans, and work-study. Her family situation may help her get more aid.
  • State Programs: Check if your state offers any special grants or scholarships for residents, single parents, or older students.

2. Scholarships for Single Mothers

  • Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation: Supports low-income women, especially mothers.
  • Soroptimist Women’s Opportunity Awards: Helps women who support their families financially.
  • Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund: For women over 35 with low income.
  • The Ford Opportunity Program: For single parents in Oregon and Siskiyou County, California, covers most college costs.
  • Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting: Assists women pursuing degrees in accounting.

3. University-Specific Scholarships

  • Ask the financial aid office at her chosen schools about scholarships for non-traditional students like single mothers.

4. Local Community and Nonprofit Organizations

  • Look for scholarships from local groups, like community centers or churches, especially those that support education or women.

5. Scholarship Search Engines and Tools

  • Use sites like Fastweb,, and College Board’s BigFuture to find scholarships for single mothers.

6. Professional Associations

  • Since she’s interested in social work and psychology, check if related professional groups offer student scholarships.

7. Support and Flexibility

  • Choose schools that offer services like childcare, flexible class schedules, or online courses that can help her manage school and family life.

8. Encouragement

  • Keep supporting her and let her know she’s making a great choice. Your support is very motivating.

Finding the right financial help can make her return to school a success. With these resources, she can focus on her studies and less on financial stress.

See if the schools she’s considering have childcare assistance options on campus.

Some offer subsidized rates at their early learning centers so students can attend classes while their children are well taken care of.

This helps remove a major barrier.

Great suggestion! Campus childcare assistance can indeed be a game-changer for student parents, making education more accessible and manageable. Definitely worth looking into!

What a caring sibling! I really hope that there are many caring siblings like you out there who are ready to help their brothers and sisters in whatever circumstance.
Luckily for you, there are many scholarships out there that are ready to help single moms like your sister to pursue their education.
These scholarships include:

  • Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship: This scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. This scholarship provides financial assistance without requiring an essay hence it is convenient.
  • Sallie Mae Scholarship: Sallie Mae offers a $2,000 scholarship each month to eligible entrants. There are no long processes or account sign-up required—just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for their educational bills.
  • “Mom to Scholar” Scholarship for Mothers: This scholarship is offered by Maria Geiger, and it is open to any mother who wants to begin or resume her journey toward earning a technical or college degree.

In addition to the above, you can do your research on any other scholarship available that impresses you and apply for it.
But be keen when looking for scholarships to avoid being conned or scammed of your hard-earned money