What opportunities does the Texas Association of Developing Colleges offer through the Urban Scholarship Fund?

Has anyone who applied for this scholarship heard back yet? They mentioned they’d let us know by the week of the 16th, but I haven’t received any notification yet.

Seeking an update directly from the scholarship committee or organization is a good idea if you haven’t heard anything about the scholarship before the deadline. It is plausible that there were oversights or delays in the notification procedure. To guarantee clarity and comfort, kindly ask how your application is progressing.

The Texas Association of Developing Colleges (TADC) offers financial aid through the Urban Scholarship Fund to Texas residents attending college.

No scholarship news? Reach out to the committee! Delays happen, and a friendly inquiry can confirm your application status.

ANNUAL awards are $700 for community college, junior college and technical college; $1,000 for public four-year college/university; and $2,000 for independent (private) four-year college/university.