Who knows of any Legit places to find scholarships?

I’m searching for websites where real people have actually won money, not something like bold.org. I want a site where there’s a good chance to win without having to submit tons of information and write three essays. Any suggestions are welcome, thanks.

Hey there! I totally get where you’re coming from. If you’re looking for a chance to win money without all the hassle, you might want to check out gaming and sweepstakes websites. Places like Publishers Clearing House or even some online casinos offer real opportunities to win cash prizes without jumping through hoops

I hear you loud and clear! Sometimes those scholarship sites can feel like they’re more trouble than they’re worth. If you’re after a simpler way to potentially win some cash, why not try your luck with online surveys or rewards programs? Sites like Swagbucks or InboxDollars let you earn money by completing simple tasks or answering surveys

Absolutely! It can be frustrating sifting through all those scholarship sites, especially when you just want a straightforward chance to win some cash. Have you considered entering online contests or giveaways? Websites like Contestgirl or Giveaway Promote often feature contests where you can win money or prizes with minimal effort.

I feel you on that one! Sometimes those scholarship applications can feel like a full-time job. If you’re looking for a more laid-back way to potentially win some money, consider trying your luck with online trivia or game show sites. Platforms like HQ Trivia or Cash Show offer cash prizes for answering trivia questions or participating in game shows right from your phone.

I know of Ford Opportunity Program Scholarship:
Targeted toward parents of any age or students aged 25 and older.
Must be pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.
Expected family contribution (EFC) should not exceed $10,000.
Covers 90% of the cost of attendance.
Available for residents and students in Oregon and Siskiyou County, California

You’re telling me, Scholarship applications are enough to make your head spin. ‍

But hey, gotta hustle for that education, right? In the meantime, why not take a break and see if you can win some extra cash with some online trivia?

HQ Trivia or Cash Show might be just the ticket to a little brainpower fun and maybe some moolah.

Good luck with the scholarship apps too

Thanks for sharing.

The Ford Opportunity Program Scholarship seems like a valuable opportunity for those who qualify. It’s especially helpful to know the key criteria like age, degree program, and financial need.